On Air: Kimberly Ann
My love affair with radio began long ago. As a little girl, I would record hours of live radio on cassettes (which I still have stashed away to this day!). I’d memorize everything that was said, sung, or written in the commercials. I was fascinated with the intimacy, closeness and ‘relationship’ it provided.
I never thought of being ON the radio, until one day in 1986! Barely out of High School, working as a manager at Wendy’s Restaurant, the district leader of that Corporation, impressed with my ‘people skills’ and work ethic, offered me my own store! My exact words were “Oh boy. .Say yes to this now, and I’m committing to a looong career in fast food. What I want to do is make a real difference in peoples lives… one that will last forever! I’m gonna go into RADIO.”
My desire was genuine and real. God lead this little girl, so far from Him, straight in the direction He always intended and created me to go! I made calls to radio and tv stations, asking advice on how to get into the business. ‘Start small and learn all you can’ was the consensus. I put together a resume and applied at WAMJ-AM in Mishawaka. I had no experience; but a lot of heart, love, and talent. After a test run of my ‘skills’ under pressure, they hired me the same day! I worked there a year, then applied at the #1 Top 40 secular station in Mishawaka called, Zip 104-FM.
I loved encouraging people! I quickly developed deep relationships with the “regulars” during my evening Request & Dedication Show. What a fast-paced blast!
But I was a very lost little girl. Very entrenched in worldly things. Hurt and calloused from years of abuse, and substance abuse… I cried out to God, January 1st 1990, at the foot of my bed. That day, Jesus became the Love and Lord of my life! God told me to stay in secular radio and be Light in a dark place. I stayed 11 months. Lots of witnessing, testifying, and many salvations later, (including one of the owners of probably 30 radio stations nationwide)…and someone from LeSEA Broadcasting heard my testimony. The PD listened to me that night, and offered me a job the next day!
I’ve worked for Family Broadcasting and Pulse FM for 34 years now…Simply Amazing…considering I’m barely even 25.
Listen to Pulse FM Saturday Mornings at 7AM to hear my weekly Heart to Heart Devotion!