Ministry Programs

Concepts Of Faith
Charles Capps and family discovered that the spiritual truths Jesus taught could be applied to the everyday circumstances of life … and change it!

Gospel City Church
Gospel City is a church existing to love God, love people, and make disciples of all nations. Our story is still being written, as God continues to change lives by His Spirit through the ministries and people of our church.

Life on Purpose with Dr. Mark Lantz
Life on Purpose is a teaching series from Dr. Mark Lantz who, along with his wife Crystal, are the lead pastors of Christian Center Church in South Bend, Indiana. Dr. Lantz’s teaching series is designed to take practical and relevant truths from the Word of God and empower us to live the life we were designed to live.

Looking to Jesus with Brian G. Hedges
“Looking to Jesus” features the preaching ministry of Brian G. Hedges, lead pastor at Redeemer Church. Brian’s sermons are focused on the Christ-centered exposition and application of the Scriptures. His aim in preaching is to be “true to the text, true to the gospel, and true to life.”

Making Fully Committed Disciples of Jesus Christ.

Turning Point with Dr. David Jeremiah
Dr. David Jeremiah continues his study of God’s recipe for happiness in this life as well its counterpart: the recipe for sadness and misery.

The Endtime Show
Understanding the End Time is the #1 prophecy study in the world that’s helped millions of people gain peace and hope about the future.

Joyce Meyer Ministries
With the prayers and support of our friends and partners around the world, we present a creative and relevant message of Christ and His love for people worldwide using the most powerful forms of media and communications available.

Kathie Davidson Ministries
Kathie knows what it’s like to have to trust God to put food on the table, to believe God to heal a sick baby, to rely on Him for the next career move. For 40 years the Spirit of God has led her into a revelation of the Gospel, to learn how to hear the voice of God, to walk by faith and the gifts of the Spirit in her home, her business, teaching and now in the ministry.

Living Life Victoriously with Pastor Tom Anders

We are providing a New Beginning for those hurting and spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ online!

Thru the Bible with Dr. J. Vernon McGee
He had already been teaching on the radio for many years, but fifty years ago—1967, to be exact—Dr. McGee began teaching the Bible studies that laid the foundation for what we hear today on Thru the Bible. What an adventure it’s been! If he only knew, I’m sure Dr. McGee would laugh and shake his head in wonder at what God has done.